Job Order Summary

Modified on Fri, 01 Mar 2024 at 10:26 AM

The Job Order Summary report provides a summary of the number of jobs, number of invoices, and resulting revenue over the specified period of time.

Filtering Results and Changing Report Details

To filter results, enter one or more of the following fields in the search options above the report and click Generate Report.

Note that each filter is added below the respective field (e.g. Caribbean in the screenshot below) and can be removed by clicking on the "X" icon. Additional filters for each field can also be added.

The report displays the following information:

Region/Location: the geographic region, sub region, and  Office. The breakdown will vary based on the value selected for the View Job Totals By field.

# of Jobs: the number of Job Orders at the specified location.

# of Invoices: the number of Invoices for the Job Orders at the specified location.

Revenue: the amount of revenue produced at the location.

Downloading the Report

To download the report, click on Download Excel File.

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